Wednesday, February 17, 2016


If you or your students have a BOLT related issue, contact BOLT Support. 

BOLT Support at the IMDC
Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm in AL 206 or (570)389-2888

This is the fastest way to get our attention.

Directing your questions to BOLT Support is the quickest way to get the attention of IMDC supervisors. Supervisors monitor issues from the IMDC from 8:00am to 4:30pm daily.

If you want to set up a meeting with IMDC supervisors, contact BOLT Support during regular hours with a brief description of what you want to set up a meeting for and supervisors will be in touch with you!

Conditional Release: NOT Condition

If you're familiar with release conditions, you know that you can set special conditions for when students complete quizzes, dropbox assignments, or surveys. 

BOLT now has the opposite release condition available: the NOT condition.

screenshot of the condition type selector with No completed survey attempt selected

The new NOT condition will allow you to release items in BOLT if students have NOT completed quizzes, dropbox assignments, surveys, and a variety of other procedures in BOLT.

Please refer to the Content Help module in the BOLT Help Course for information on release conditions and how to set them.

Quizzes Special Access Display Fixed

Some of you may have noticed a display issue with special access in quizzes where the time displayed was four to five hours ahead of the time you had set for students' special access. This was a display only issue.

The issue has been fixed and you should now see the appropriate time after setting special access for students in quizzes.

Browser Support Changes

Desire2Learn platform support has changed:
·         Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9 (IE9) is no longer supported
·         IE10 and IE11 are now in maintenance mode
·         Microsoft® Edge web browser is now supported
·         Previous versions of Safari (including Safari 6, 7, and 8) are now in maintenance mode

·         The latest version of Safari® is now supported